List of Towns and Villages in Orhionmwon local government Area, Edo State
This is some of the lists of towns and villages in Orhionmwon Local Government Area in Edo State, Nigeria.
The headquarters of Orhionmwon Local Government Area is Abudu. The local government area is blessed with different raw materials like rubber, crude oil, agricultural produce, and mineral resources.
Orhionmwon is considered to be one of the biggest local government areas in Edo State. Now let’s take a look at the list of towns and villages in Orhionmwon Local Government Area in Edo State, Nigeria.
List of Towns and Villages in Orhionmwon local government Area Edo State
Aibiokunla District
- Abudu
- Ahia
- Egbhuru
Igbanke District
- Ake
- Idumu-din
- Idumu-iru
- Igbontor
- Obi-Ogba
- Ogbahu
- Oligie
- Ottah
- Omolua
- Uwaya-Ake
Oloten District
- Egbokor
- Evbodamwen
- Evbodogun
- Evbodohian
- Evbohighae
- Evbokabua
- Evbomede I & II
- Idunmunlaka
- Iguiya
- Iyoba
- Ohezenaka
- Oloten
- Otobayi I & II
- Owe
- Ugbedun
- Ugbeka
- Uson
- Ute
Ugboko District
- Agesa
- Aideyanba
- Ehumwin
- Esso
- Evbuarhue
- Idumwebo
- Idunowina
- Iguemokhua
- Numagbae
- Sakpoba
- Ugboko-Ugo
- Ugbugo
- Ugokoniro
- Ukpato
Ugu District
- Azagba
- Edummungba
- EmeyonEgba
- Evbosi
- Eyaah
- Igbakele
- Igueomo
- Iguevbiebo
- Iguevioarhionmwon
- Iguozebahu
- Ihove
- Ikhueniro
- Orior
- Urhobuoma
- Uzala
Urho-Nigbe District
- Idale
- Oliege
- Urhomehe
- Urhonigbe