Wellspring University Dress Code (2024 Updated)

Wellspring University is a licensed private university in Nigeria with discipline as one of its core principles. If you want to study there, you must abide by the Wellspring University dress code to avoid embarrassment or punishment by the university lecturers or security.
Wellspring University was licensed to operate as a private university in November 2009 and began operation in 2010 with only seven undergraduate courses in two colleges. The University has since then expanded to offer eighteen (18) undergraduate courses in three colleges. They also offer about ten postgraduate courses.
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They are located at Irhirhi Road, off-airport road by ADP Junction, Benin City, Edo State, and you can contact them using this phone number +234-07042550535, +234-08062557803 and by email at info@wellspringuniversity.edu.ng, registrar@wellspringuniversity.edu.ng.
Wellspring University Dress Code for Male Students
The acceptable dress code for Male Students in the University is a clean shirt and trousers with or without a tie and a jacket (English), shoes, or sandals only. Well-groomed natural hair and responsibly trimmed beards.
They are to wear their student identity card on their neck while on campus.
Male students are not allowed to keep bushy hair or dreadlocks, apply dye on their hair, curl their hair, or grow bushy beards, earrings, and other suggestive jewelry won by males are prohibited in the University. Sleeveless shirts are not allowed.
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Ripped Jeans (Crazy Jeans/trousers) are not allowed; wearing flip-flops or bathroom slippers to the lecture hall or anywhere on campus is prohibited. Clothes with nasty or derogatory slogans are not permitted on campus.
Dress Code for Female Students
The acceptable dress code for Female Students is corporate wear (skits and top-dresses) whose length must be below the knee and must not expose sensitive parts of the body with a well-groomed haircut, parked up, plaited, or braided with hair extension of natural colors.
They are to wear their student identity card on their neck while on campus.
Female students are not allowed to wear leggings (jeggings) with a cropped or short top that will reveal the lower part of their abdomen or stomach. Reaped jeans or trousers (crazy jeans/trousers) are not allowed. Scanty clothing, including spaghetti tops, body huggers, topless blouses, and short gowns, is prohibited on campus, and female students are also not allowed to wear bathroom slippers.
Female students are not allowed to wear heavy makeup on campus; wearing sleeveless clothes, strapless or spaghetti-style outfits are not allowed, and clothes that will expose their laps, breasts, backside, etc. are not allowed. Tight-fitted blouses are also not permitted.
Also, note that some departments have specific styles of dresses to be worn on specific days for a particular purpose. For example, the Department of Nursing Science wore scrubs or tunics on a specific day for their lessons, mostly practical lessons.
In conclusion, Wellspring University is a private university in Nigeria and does not tolerate any form of indecent dressing. It would be best to have that in mind when applying to be admitted into the University. You can visit their website to find out more about the University.
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